We are a dedicated recruitment company.
Using our shared knowledge and a plethora of experience, we guarantee the best results.
We are a dedicated recruitment company.
Using our shared knowledge and a plethora of experience, we guarantee the best results.
Recruitment is an activity evidently faced by any entrepreneur.
Full-length interviews, necessary tests and background research.
Long-term and purposeful strategically planned activity.
Counseling in full or partial range, depending on the job seeker’s need.
Recruitment is our main goal.
The only thing that can lead to excellent results in recruitment process is excellent co-operation. We put special focus on our intrinsic values: competency, honesty, reliability and continuous self development, but most of all care and passion for our work.
Using our shared knowledge and a plethora of experience, we guarantee the best results. We can do this, as our work is our passion. We follow our core principles every step of the way in the recruitment process.
Our Services
Want to know more? Here is a list of services we provide.
Recruitment is an activity evidently faced by any entrepreneur. At some moment the workload becomes so overwhelming that auxiliary employees are required. A team has to be created/expanded. However, nothing is as easy as it may seem at first.
Tests are the only right choice for that purpose. We have a licence for conducting Tripod tests. To ensure valid results and the candidate’s positive experience, our activity is based on all established requirements.
First thing in creating attractive job ad, is to think about your strategy- who are the people in your target group and how can you describe them (personality, interests, how do they spend their spare time etc.).
Evaluating candidates can be difficult and recognizing this correctly among those who wish to do so may not be an easy task.
We put special focus on our intrinsic values: competency, honesty, reliability and continuous self development, but most of all care and passion for our work.
We provide counseling in full or partial range, depending on the job seeker’s need.
Employer Branding is a long-term and purposeful strategically planned activity, as a result of which it is easier for you to recruit new employees on the one hand as well as retain your existing employees on the other.
For every job and business, the right person is out there somewhere.
It is essential that information about the job offer reaches those potential candidates who are best suited.
"Koostöö TeamCreatoriga on olnud väga meeldiv. Kasutasime sobiva kandidaadi testimise teenust läbi TeamCreatori. Tööplaan oli kindlalt paigas, mis kokkulepitult ka kulges. Testitud kandidaat hindas samuti TeamCreatoriga koostööd väga heaks ja põnevaks. Lisaks testide tulemusele saab tagasisidet nii kandidaat kui ka testi tellija. Soovitan väga TeamCreatorit koostööpartneriks teistelegi."
Aliis Soitu
EHL Profiles Group / Liistuvabrik OÜ
"Oleme TeamCreatori abiga leidnud enda meeskonda mitmeid tublisid kolleege. Annika on koostöös olnud põhjalik, professionaalne ning sobilikud kandidaadid väga kiiresti leidnud."
Mehis Madisson
Avesco Rent OÜ
"Kasutasime kandidaatide testimisel TeamCreatori abi. Tulemusena saime võrrelda kandidaate nende erinevate võimete ja isikuomaduste põhjal. See lihtsustas valikut tunduvalt. Annika oli koostöö käigus põhjalik ja abivalmis."
Jaan Murumets
SK ID Solutions AS
"Koostöö Annikaga sujus suurepäraselt. Suhtlus oli vahetu ja aus. Üle 10a. on Teamcreator ja eelkõige Annika Melsas, esimesed teenusepakkujad kellega koostööd julgen soovitada kõigile. Saime kõik selle, mis esialgu kokku leppisime ja veel pealegi. Töö oli professionaalne ja põhjalik."
Martin Rohtmets
AS Rõngu Mahl
Koostöö TeamCreatoriga läks väga sujuvalt. Nende põhjalikkus ja sihikindel tegevus aitas leida mitu uut töötajat, kes tänaseks on ennast tõestanud kui usaldusväärsed meeskonnaliikmed. Suhtlus kandidaatidega oli väga viisakas ja sai palju kiitust. Sama ka meie, kui kliendi poolt. Kindlasti teeme koostööd ka tulevikus."
Kaspar Aruvee
Remondikompanii OÜ
"Olen Annikale tehtud töö eest väga tänulik, kuna ta leidis lühikese aja jooksul meile suurepärase töötaja. Tegemist on ametikohaga, millele on läbi aegade olnud väga keeruline pädevat töötajat leida."
Kati Annok
A. Le Coq AS
Blog and Recruitment tips
TeamCreator is dedicated to recruitment process!
This week’s recruitment tip by TeamCreator
Treat every single candidate like a key client during the
How to look for employees in a starting business?
If your company doesn't have a history, finding employees could
“Must ask” interview questions
Photo: Pexels A well done interview is a smooth conversation,
Headhunting means searching for and attracting suitable candidates to participate
Candidate with prior negative work experience- how to react?
During recruitment, you may meet a candidate who has negative
How to find new employees virtual?
Now that the Estonian Government has declared a state of
Four reasons to hire interns and how best to capitalise on internships!
As the weather outside becomes more spring-like, more and more
What are the inconsistencies in the recruitment process and how can I avoid them?
When browsing job advertisements on a daily basis, we may
How to help a candidate to alleviate nervousness during an interview?
As experienced as you are, when you go to a
Should you “sell” yourself during a job interview?
When a candidate prepares for a job interview, he probably
This week’s recruitment tip by TeamCreator
When noticing a candidate's criticism towards others during the interview,
You should think about your companies values before recruiting
Have you ever wondered what your values as a employer
TeamCreator will find the needed employee and the perfect member for your team!
We believe that work is more than just a job
This week’s recruitment tip by TeamCreator
Meet suitable candidates at least twice. It will help you
TeamCreator will find the needed employee and the perfect member for your team! We believe that work is more than just a job as well as employees are so much more than just workers. For every job, there is the right someone who has been born to do that work, having the necessary skills and assumptions for rapid development. We also believe that people working in one enterprise are not just colleagues, but a well-functioning team, bearing the same values and principles. TeamCreator’s mission is to help businesses find the right employee for each job with professional recruiting and the right member for the team!
If your company doesn’t have a history, finding employees could be rather challenging. With this in mind, here are some tips to to follow to help you in this situation. If you feel you could use some help finding a new employee, contact us here!
It is perfectly understandable that we are drawn to where we feel fit. This is exactly the reason, why it`s important to deal with values before recruiting. You can be sure if the company has it`s values set, and the staff is acting according these, workers will be less prone to change the job and your company will have a better reputation as an employer.
Generally, it takes a lot of time to find the right job. Emotionally it can be quite exhausting if you keep getting rejected and you don’t understand the reasons as to why. If there’s a lot of applicants for a single job, it might be just a single detail that cost you success. Would you like some additional info about our services? Send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible! HERE you can upload your CV!